By Aisha Rafea
Be Yourself program is meant to support human beings to realize inner peace so as to be able to spread peace all around. Even though the idea of Be Yourself was crystalized in the beginnings of the 21st century, its roots seem to be deeper than what appears on the surface; I have been recurrently discovering that the whole thing is related to a mission that my soul knew even before I was born. On face value, the program has been gradually developing, and so have I. In this story, I am sharing some dynamics that have been intertwingling in designing the content of Be Yourself. They are classified according to some specific themes according to the stream of consciousness, and that are not necessarily chronological.
Parents’ fingerprint
I was born to two parents whose spiritual values were the essence of how they thought and acted. My father is Assayed Rafea Muhammad Rafea, a spiritual teacher of the twentieth century (1903- 1970). My mother Assayeda Hazami Rifaa (1921- 2012) is a great granddaughter of Rifaa Rafea Al Tahtawi, the father of the modern Egyptian Renaissance (1805-1873). Both my parents are descendants of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. My parents used to teach us by being an example more than direct preaching. They were innately honest, so modest, conscientious, and respectful to their children. Their presence filled our home with such an energy that made us breathe the fragrance of truthfulness, purity, and love to all creation.
We, my siblings and I, were spontaneously inspired to be altruistic with each other and in any human relationship, as we saw the way our parents treated each other and also their relatives. We intuitively believed that human’s self-worth does not lie in their money, affiliations or titles. We have never seen our parents showing any sense of arrogance or superiority over anyone for any reason.
We learnt to be keen to be dedicated in all what we do because we saw how loyal they were when they performed any task. We simultaneously realized that possessions of any kind are not to define us or to enslave us; we experienced being content and happy with small things that were available in a given moment. We never felt that we were missing anything. It seems like we were unconsciously aware that happiness comes from within; from the most beautiful part of us, the soul that is permeated with inborn love that flows easily in every word, gesture, or action.
In our family we instinctively learnt that Islam and all religions invite humans to direct themselves inwardly to the light that dwells in their hearts and let it guide them to what is good for themselves and their human fellows. We were sure that by the light within humans, they can connect to the spirit of the sacred teachings so as not to reduce them into plain shapes and forms. As such we were brought up to open our minds and hearts to every word of truth in diverse sources and learn from it. It was not weird for us to listen to our father’s contemplations on the teachings of diverse religions, words of ancient or modern primordial wisdoms as much as his reflections on Islam. We could inherently see that he was breeding in us the awareness about the oneness of the higher Source of all guidance, and about the oneness of humanity beyond, color, race, and/or names of religions . Such openness of mind and heart uprooted from within us possible human inclination for religious bias and extremism.
In the meantime, we strongly felt our belonging to Islam in its sense as the Message revealed to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It was that Message that guided our minds and hearts to be open to every word of truth in the past and even in the future . To put it simple, we have enjoyed a sense of inner peace with all our human family since our childhood.
To realize peace with oneself and with the world lies in the core of Be Yourself. The program addresses the spiritual essence of humans, and its role in handling their feelings, thoughts and beliefs in ways that decide the quality of their lives and relationships. Connection to the spiritual essence cultivates peace within and without.
major personal challenge
Amid the family atmosphere flooded by deep mutual love, respect, and safety, I was haunted often, on the personal level, by hidden feelings of emotional pain and bewilderment as though I was searching for something that I even did not know what it was then. It was like a sense of loss which I could not track its roots. As if life was just doing to me what it wanted to do, and I was giving way to what was going on without having any clearance of what I wanted, hoped, or looked up to. That attitude went on for many years. Now I contemplate that attitude as the deeper substance that was preparing me for discerning many things about life which I was not aware of as a child, adolescent, or even a wife, and a mother.
The sense of searching for something that I did not even know then, seems to be the deeper provocation that took me for designing Be Yourself once I started to understand a bit of things that I had never realized before. For instance, I discovered that, in my interaction with the higher values that I was brought up to, I was lacking maturity, comprehension, and depth. To explain, the spiritual values I was brought up to, were in full harmony with my mind, soul, and heart but my earthly personality was, for sure, in need of much training for being mature enough to manifest my spirituality through the potentials of my humanness
A sign of immaturity, for instance, was that I required, from myself and others, to show perfection in everything they do; I was not aware of the need to accept human limitations, weaknesses, or flaws that came out of lack of life experiences. With lack of understanding the nature of things, I used to hurry in judging myself and others and showing resentment whenever a behavior of mine or theirs seemed to be violating the kind of idealism that I expected as a standard. Looking up for spirituality without understanding the human limitations created emotional tension in the relationship with myself and with others. Later on, I discovered that rigid application of moral values, which I was not conscious of, slipped me of any capability to be understanding or or forgiving to myself and others.
I was not aware that human’s capability to embrace themselves and other human beings is one of the basics of the spiritual life.
When gaining that awareness, I made it as part of Be Yourself that we are to be trained to acknowledge and embrace the human vulnerabilities of ourselves and of others.Up till now I consider the spiritual values, that I was raised to believe in and live up to, as my backbone, and permanent solid reference and support whenever I fall into confusions or doubts. However, I have been learning that I have to ever seek more of psychological and spiritual growth so as to live spirituality in ways that are useful for me and those around me. I work for gaining more depths and inspirations through contemplating the essence of all the heavenly revelations and the paths of the spiritual teachers of humanity, ancient and modern. I could also see clearly how the spiritual values were the source of the flooding love, compassion, and forgiveness that my father had towards all humans and whoever came across his life .
I have learnt that to be an evolved human being does not imply that we become infallible but rather to look up to beauty and loftiness while learning from our faults or pitfalls. Such state needs honest observation of oneself, having a pure intention, sustainable inner work, together with praying for guidance from a higher source.
Be Yourself is designed to help human beings to acknowledge and embrace their humanness with all its weaknesses and challenges. The exercises included clarify for them that what we call ‘mistakes’ are but legitimate means for learning and for psychological and spiritual growth. Seeking integration of our bodies, minds, and souls is in the heart of Be Yourself.
In that stage of my life journey, I focused on exploring the dynamics between our spiritual essence or divinity and our human existence so as to know how those two levels can be in harmony. I came to believe that with harmony between the two dimensions of us, our life can be more fulfilled, benevolent, peaceful and happier in ways that are distinct according to the uniqueness of every person and their individual journey.
There are no forms to be over imposed on human beings. Rather, there are diverse and distinct journeys that are as many as the breaths of humans. This belief is in the heart of By Yourself
Exposure to wider human interactions
In the beginnings of the 1990s my sister Aliaa invited me to join the women spiritual circle that was initiated, without her intentional planning, when a young lady contacted her asking her help in knowing more about the inheritance of our father Assayed Rafea . Then other women of the same interest joined the circle and they used to meet every week in Aliaa’s house. Later on, the meetings were held under the umbrella of the Egyptian Society for Spiritual and Cultural Research . I was so delighted to join, and attended regularly for listening to my sister’s talks and discussions which were not unusual for me of course but still very useful and inspiring. I enjoyed listening to Aliaa’s reflections on the spiritual path in ways that would help women connect to their spiritual essence. She used to talk about the human individual soul as a manifestation of the one collective Soul.
At that time, I was so timid a person who would rarely speak or comment on anything openly. More and above I never felt that I had any kind of knowledge that would be useful to share with anyone. My sister Aliaa then suggested that whenever she is absent for any reason, the group had to meet in my company, and read together some of my father’s writings or any other interesting staff. Accordingly, I used to choose some of my father’s speeches and read it for them without expecting any one to ask me for explanation or to direct any questions to me. I was surprised to find them seeking my comments, explanations, and answers to their questions showing great trust in me!! I used to listen deeply to their questions trying to understand how they felt and thought, then noticed some insights and reflections coming to my mind spontaneously giving answers to their questions and explanations of what seemed was not clear for them. My responses came out in ways that satisfied them and gave clues for more insights to all of us. What happened was new experience for me where I received knowledge and inspirations from the universe beyond my conscious mind.
My connection to the members of the women group gave me the chance to recognize some sources of the pains and confusions that humans suffer from in their relationship with themselves, with each other, even with their Creator, and the religious teachings. I came to know that their confusions about how to relate to oneself and to God is due to their being victims of lots of accumulated inherited concepts that hindered their connection with their spiritual essence and, normally, pushed them into inner and outer conflicts as individuals and also nations. A striking example was what happened when the Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait in 1990 and a war took place between two Arab countries where each of them used to claim that it had a right to fight for, using holy verses to prove it. That attitude made me see clearly that many humans suffer from a spiritual turmoil. I documented my thoughts and insights in a small book with the title The Soul in Crisis (1992) in which I wrote:
“Each and every human being is a soul and matter; he or she has a mind, a self, a heart, and physical organs. This fact applies to all humans regardless of the degrees of their power or weakness; knowledge or ignorance; capabilities or deficiencies. Each and every one is a world of its own. Experts knocked the doors of that world and discovered some of its secrets, and they are still short of knowing more and more. While it is true that when the human vehicle, with all its organs, is efficiently working the person is termed as ‘healthy’, this fact applies also to that aspect of us that is not physically seen. Even though we may be aware or unaware of it, it still lives, interacts, moves about, contemplates, and even influences the states of our bodies in many times. When it is active and vivid it supplies our bodies several powers and capabilities.”
“It is not required from any person to be another person, but rather to be oneself; to see oneself with all its potentials, capabilities, weaknesses, strengths, and privileges. Such awareness leads us to choose our goals in life unreservedly. From therein love emerges, for we are what we love.”
In that period of my life a great dream was born within me:
I dreamt that a time comes when children have the chance to connect to their true self so as not to be liable to enter into such traps where they do not have the chance to keep their consciousness of themselves as essentially eternal spirits and not transitory bodies. I dreamt that they would approach religion as an experiential living journey that cannot be inferred from one person to another; it is an experience that would support a human being to have a vision and a goal for his or her life.
My contemplations of how my spiritual path approaches the teachings of Islam as guiding humans to realize who they are truly, were documented in my second book We All Are That Human (1993). From that book I chose the following words:
“No matter how different the human beings’ circumstances are;
No matter how surroundings destroyed their dreams;
No matter how other people assassinated their hopes’
No matter how they were so involved in over imposed dreams that they forgot their innate ones;
A moment comes when a person is alone with their innate soul listening to its talk.
The soul would reveal a lot of staff; the many longings it was desperately yearning to fulfill.
The number of the soul’s longings is as huge as the number of humans, the variation of inner sensations, the beats of the hearts, the diversity of souls, the levels of knowledge, and the capabilities of the minds.
The commonality among all differences is that they represent the dreams of human.”
On writing such books I was really trying to more understand the nature of humankind and the factors that lead human beings to behave in inappropriate ways and attribute them to religion. I saw it as a bless of God Almighty that I was born to belong to a spiritual path that helps many people to avoid falling in the trap of religious prejudice, conflict, and violence. At that moment I was so enthusiastic to go in more depth of the basic teachings of my spiritual path through reflecting on the Speeches that my teacher and brother Assayed Ali Rafea gave to the spiritual circle. Here came my third book In Islam, First Comes the Word (1996) .
The Beginnings of Be Yourself:
In the beginnings of the 2000s I used to gather with a small group of our spiritual circle who had the passion for issuing a magazine that would include their spiritual experiences. We gave it the name Steps on the Road. While we were sharing our life journeys, we spontaneously came across issues related to the bringing up of children. We had the dream of a day that comes when children would not suffer from the repercussions of the widespread misconceptions related to religion. Such discussions inspired us to write some stories for children that address their innate nature so as not to be victims of distorting or dogmatic concepts but rather connect to the core of sacred teachings. For examples, Magda al Mufti wrote a series of stories about Shadi the Human and Rami the Robot. She meant to awaken the consciousness of children to the idea that when human beings do not use their minds and hearts they become like robots. In the meantime, Magda also introduced to the group The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle in which he reveals his journey of realizing that he is a spirit and not a transient body; a shift that changed all his life in all aspects. What touched me most was not his discovery but that I could see that someone uses the language that resonates with what I have been brought up to talk; the language of the soul, of the connection to the divine within, and its major effect on humans’ practical lives. At that time such topics were very rare to hear about, at least in Egypt, and not as spread widely as they started to be since the first and second decades of the twenty one century.
In the beginnings of the 2000s I used to gather with a small group of our spiritual circle who had the passion for issuing a magazine that would include their spiritual experiences. We gave it the name Steps on the Road. While we were sharing our life journeys, we spontaneously came across issues related to the bringing up of children. We had the dream of a day that comes when children would not suffer from the repercussions of the widespread misconceptions related to religion. Such discussions inspired us to write some stories for children that address their innate nature so as not to be victims of distorting or dogmatic concepts but rather connect to the core of sacred teachings. For examples, Magda al Mufti wrote a series of stories about Shadi the Human and Rami the Robot. She meant to awaken the consciousness of children to the idea that when human beings do not use their minds and hearts they become like robots. In the meantime, Magda also introduced to the group The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle in which he reveals his journey of realizing that he is a spirit and not a transient body; a shift that changed all his life in all aspects. What touched me most was not his discovery but that I could see that someone uses the language that resonates with what I have been brought up to talk; the language of the soul, of the connection to the divine within, and its major effect on humans’ practical lives. At that time such topics were very rare to hear about, at least in Egypt, and not as spread widely as they started to be since the first and second decades of the twenty one century.
From that moment on, I started to devour tens of books related to the work of the mind and thoughts, the emotions, and their correlation in affecting our psychological and spiritual wholeness. Such books took me to discover a lot of details about the work of the human body and its effects on the psychological and spiritual dimensions. I have been gaining much knowledge about the connected system related to the body, the mind, the soul, and the spirit. Working on that system as one whole is a basic factor in Be Yourself programs.”
I started to study the spiritual or transpersonal psychology, the Mental Science, the school of the New Thought, the Positive Psychology, and other fields that touches the influence of the mind and the thoughts on our emotional, psychological, and spiritual systems. I also started studying more about the intimate relationship between the spiritual intelligence, the emotional intelligence, the body intelligence as well as the effect of the work of the brain on our emotions and spiritual awareness. A kind of a comprehensive approach has been revealing itself to me with its interwoven elements that affect many aspects of our being. My objective herein is not to mention the tens of books and references I have studied in those fields but just to say that:
The great shift I experienced in that stage took me to crystalize a new objective, which is to work for helping all people who come across my way, and also myself, to turn the pains of the life journey into tools for growth through gaining knowledge and trainings. In that stage I started designing part one of Be Yourself Be Happy directed to adults.
By then, I did not have a crystalized means for realizing my goal. In 2002 my sister Assayeda Aliaa came back from the USA, where she served as a visiting professor at Randolph-Macon Women’s College in Lynchburg, VA, with a big dream to establish a school where education is based on Spirituality as well as an integrated approach to all sciences. For some reasons her dream did not come true . In the meantime, it happened that a young lady of our spiritual family, Dalia al Chourbagi, was exposed to a program of character building based on Indian spirituality. She came to me suggesting that we both design a self-development program for children based on the principles of our spiritual path. I liked the idea and shared it with Assayeda Aliaa who also welcomed it saying that such a project might be manifesting a small part of her dream about establishing a school. We all shared discussions about what we would present to children, and we agreed on writing stories which would nurture the children’s attention to their spiritual essence. We were conscious that children’s consciousness of their essence is often fresh, but it only needed to be sustained. We put the symbol “Nouri”—my light—to address the spark of light that is innate in them and in all of us. We wanted to help them to be trained to listen to the inner light and to discover by themselves why they do not listen to it sometimes. About this approach I wrote several songs such as:
Open your heart, open your mind.
Within, without you’ll see the light
It takes you to the truth wherever you go.
To lies and cheats it says NO.
The voice of the truth is in me and in you,
It is God’s gift for him and for her too.You Love us So High
Allah Allah Allah Allah
All around and in the sky
Signs say you love us so high.
You fashioned us, with mind an’ heart
To be able to love aaaand be smart.
Allah Allah Allah Allah..
All around and in the sky..
Signs say you love us so high.
You grant us shelter, food and drink.
Your gifts are more than we can think.
Allah Allah Allah Allah
All around and in the sky
Signs say you love’ s so high.
When we do wrong You forgive
And tell us to learn as long as we live..
Allah Allah Allah Allah..
All around and in the sky..
Signs say you love us so high.After considering the whole thing from different angles, we decided to design the program for children without any specific religious flavor. Rather, we present the values that would reflect moral depths inherent in all religions as well as the authentic primordial nature that manifests under diverse names.
I wrote a story about a small girl named Bannoura who realized, with the light in her heart and mind, that we can learn from any mistake, and that to make a mistake does not mean that we are “evil persons”. This was followed by many other stories. I also had much research in the kinds of meditations to be practiced with children for being trained to reach inner stillness as well as movement meditations. The program also included some art activities, songs, and games that help children to express themselves freely. Dalia, Aliaa, and me applied the program on some children in our family, an orphanage, and Dalia’ acquaintances. More applications went on where we found wonderful responses from all the children.
What kind of trainer would be qualified for presenting the program to the children?
After we put the basics of the program addressed to children, we thought that for this program to spread out, we need to have the kind of trainers who are capable of absorbing its depths. Trainers to be, we thought, need to have certain spiritual, psychological, and practical skills which is not that accessible. We could see that for a person to have such skills, a trainer to be needs several trainings to connect to one’s inner child.
For the program directed to the children’s trainers, the name chosen was “Awakening the Inner Child”. I had not read the term ‘the Inner Child’ anywhere then. By using it I was pointing to the ‘pure nature’ that we were created with, and to our need to connect to so as to be able to connect with children.
With Assayeda Aliaa, we put the broadlines of the training of the trainer program, and we asked some of the members of our spiritual circle if they would like to join. Some of them showed interest and we divided them into two groups; one with me and the other with Assayeda Aliaa. This was the beginning of the program addressed to the trainers of the children. I cannot list all the names of the trainers who graduated then but I remember some of them such as Lamiaa Abdel Shafi, Marwa Saleh, Nivin Sedqui, Maha Gohar, Heba Rafea, Hossam Saleh, Abir Zein, Iman Habib, and Iglal Assalamoni.
In that stage Assayeda Aliaa got involved in so many important matters that took most of her effort and time, and Dalia was busy doing her Master’s Degree in children’s learning difficulties. As such I continued work, and so did the trainers, in training the children in different places such as Maadi public Library, Al Manarat School, some orphanages, other schools and nurseries which was all a voluntary work. The program had a beautiful effect on children. I remember that my sister Ma’man also had a character-building program for small children which she called Ethics Through Art, and we worked together in several places.
Nonstop work and many developments with no specific plan:
I continued the Training of the Trainer program alone and with no official frame for about five years. My focus was on developing the children’s program through specifying some values to address by means of the stories we were writing. Concomitantly I was developing the TOT program “Awakening the Inner Child” which was directed only to trainers of the children program. I wrote several stories such as Amina… Can I Be your Friend? The Wise King, Yousef and the Magic Balloon, I am Beautiful just as I am, I Mourn.. I am Human. Hoda Ezzel Arab, a member of our spiritual circle, shared with me writing the Kingdom of Beauty which is inspired by the Sufi story The Conference of the Birds by Farid Addin Al Attar. Dalia Al Chourbagi wrote The Story of a Seed of Rice and The Dialogue of the Senses. Other members of our spiritual circle including Ola Badawi, Nivin Sedqi, and Muhammad Halawa, contributed in translating some of the international Therapeutic Stories written in English into Arabic as well as many others of the world’s spiritual heritage. Besides, I took an online program named Yoga Story Telling. Actually, I cannot count the number of books I read in that field so as to learn about how to address children. All of them were focusing on the psychological set up of children and how we can help them to discover their feelings, how to express them in several ways, and how to help them be liberated from feelings that hurt them such as guilt, fear, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, shame, and many others.
While I was designing the primary topics to present in Be Yourself for adults, Assayeda Aliaa suggested that I present it to the members of our spiritual family in our weekly meetings under the umbrella of the Egyptian Society for Spiritual and Cultural Research ESSCR. In the meantime, I was presenting the Inner Child program for smaller groups of people who were interested in its mission and wanted to present it voluntarily in orphanages.
Some time later, I had a chance to write a regular article in the Egyptian weekly magazine October, to which I gave the title Be Yourself Be Happy (Kun Nafsak Takun Sa’idan). I used to choose samples of the real stories I came across in the books of Spiritual Psychology, elaborate on the issues that the heroes and heroines were suffering from, and highlighting the commonality between them and the challenges that we all face. I meant to make it possible for readers to gain insights into their own lives while reading those stories, comments of spiritual psychologists, and my own interactions with myself and people around. I also included stories from the Sufi literature with all its symbols relating them to our human experiences and how they can inspire us. Also, I wrote my own stories inspired by real stories of people around me.
My whole objective of such articles was to shed lights for readers to discover many levels of themselves, accept them, and connect to. As such they would awaken to the God-given spiritual richness embedded in their hearts and that would enable them to approach life from a deeper, more beautiful, and happier perspective. Those articles were collected in one book, published by the Human Foundation, to include the scientific material of Be Yourself program.
More and more clearance of vision:
In 2011 Assayeda Aliaa established The Human Foundation and made of Be Yourself one of its projects. She believed that the program can be of great service to the society, human, and the message of peace and love we were brought up to and continue to work for. We started by presenting three programs; Be Yourself for Children; Awakening the Inner Child for trainers to be; and Be Yourself Be Happy part one for adults. The latter was the first program I officially presented in THF. I was the sole trainer then. During the continuous development of Be Yourself for children, I wrote more stories. Nahdit Misr Publishing House contacted me asking for publishing the stories in series, and we had a contract in 2013.
Due to the success of the Be Yourself Part One, there was a demand from the side of trainees to have another part. Accordingly, I had more studies for designing Part Two as I was continuously discovering many new aspects to be added. In that same direction one more program was added under the name “Be Yourself Refreshing” which was also created due to the demand of trainees who wanted to continue the training even after finishing Be Yourself Part Two and Awakening the Inner Child. The latter program was developed to be a general personal growth program and not only a TOT one. It is still a prerequisite for trainees who want to be trainers of Be Yourself programs.
In that stage I became more and more assured that the program can possibly be presented to all human beings in any culture or faith as long as they long for discovering more about themselves and life. Through the knowledge and exercises presented, trainees used to find that full indulgence in the superficial layer of life takes them to be disconnected from their higher Self, and consequently lose happiness and peace. Actually, all the topics included in the program were meant to address their daily life challenges while holding their hands delicately towards liberation from their sufferings which emerge due to the lack of a mindful handling of oneself and others.
Inasmuch as I was the designer of the program, I was the first one to benefit from it. That was so because each and every study I had was addressing me in different languages and versatile perspectives that pushed me to dive deeper into my innate life, know more about myself and others. I became more evident then that we humans will always know more about ourselves during our earthly journey, and there will always remain things about us that nobody knows but God Almighty.
Be Yourself under the umbrella of The Human Foundation :
It might not be possible to count all Be Yourself achievements under the umbrella of The Human Foundation. The following are some central points:
- As soon as Be Yourself project was established as a project of THF, a member of our spiritual circle, engineer Adham Shaher volunteered for being the administrative manager of the project under the supervision of Dr. Aliaa Rafea the president of THF. He was motivated by the interest in social service. He put the basic requirements for the graduation of trainers for Be Yourself and the hierarchical structure. Under his management which lasted for about eight years, and with the help of the executive manager Ahmad Abdul Rahman, the program was presented to many beneficiaries as will be illustrated later.
- After one year in which the program designer was the sole trainer, a number of trainers were graduated and had the accreditation of The Human Foundation. The number of trainers increased considerably in the years that followed to reach now about forty.
- I studied with Assayeda Aliaa a course about the life journey of Dr. Carl Gustav Jung and the basics of Analytical Psychology. That study had helped me in paying attention to my dreams and receiving the embedded messages.
- I started a twice a month spiritual cultural forum under the name Life Around the Center of Light”. It is in harmony with the objectives of Be Yourself, but the material presented is inspired by Islamic Spirituality. Its objective is to train the attendees to connect to their deeper innate divinity where all the spiritual values reside. With such connection they become more open to receive the meanings embedded in the holy words of the Holy Qur’an or any authentic holy source by their hearts and not to be stuck in superficial or literal meanings. It is through that spiritual energy that a human being elevates mentally and behaviorally with oneself and all people.
- In that stage I became interested in designing some specialized programs for caregivers; parents, teachers, and orphanage caregivers. I studied the kind of parenting programs and books that depend on respecting and treasuring the child while helping them to discover themselves and gain a sense of responsibility, rather than rewarding and punishment . My objective has been to boost a kind of care of the child as a seed for building and authentic Egyptian civilization based on respecting human as spiritual being; that is, all more values are inherent in the human nature and it is capable of establishing a great civilization.
- Forming a kind of united leadership system where the expert trainers supervise and mentor the group of trainers and continually develop the training material in ways that are in harmony with the nature and spirit of the program as was presented by the designer. The expert trainers are currently enriching the program by adding new exercises, workshops, and skills that help the trainees in smoother, and still deep tools, to realize the kind of human and spiritual growth in ways that make their lives richer, more loving, and happier.